HMH is INTENTIONAL living and does not provide clinical services. HMH is strictly ALCOHOL and DRUG FREE.
The Heart Mind Haven Sanctuary Home is located in Colorado. We do not have residences in other states.
There is no charge to apply. There is a non-refundable, non-negotiable $300.00 intake fee if you are accepted.
Submittal of an application does not guarantee acceptance to our program or housing. Accepted candidates must adhere to our resident’s policy (Resident Handbook). We believe candidates will succeed if their goals align with Heart Mind Haven’s vision and goals for improving wellness within the LGBT+ community.
HMH will run a background check. You will be emailed a link to submit the background check information. If you have any specific situations that you would like to discuss, we advise you discuss with us beforehand. All information is confidential.
All fields must be completed. Leaving any field blank will result in a delay in processing your application.
All information submitted to Heart Mind Haven is confidential.